Several systematic literature reviews (SLR) are written related to RE domain which deliver a comprehensive knowledge in the domain of RE. In RE, the valuable requirements are explored from a critical set of stakeholders and these requirements are prioritized in order to design a system of high assurance. RE is a multi-dimensional area and it is comprised of stakeholder analysis, requirements elicitation, and requirements prioritization mainly. The role of RE is inevitable in the success and failure of software projects. The domain of requirements engineering (RE) is intercepted by the interest of a wider community in the software industry. Based on the quality measurement results obtained that the SUMMARYKu application is better than Autosummarizer applications. The steps done in this measurement include the adjustment of ISO 25010 quality model, weight determination of characteristics and sub-characteristics using AHP method and questionnaire, testing is done with black box testing and stress testing, and a questionnaire is used to measure characteristics of usability and quality in use.

Measurement of software quality is done in two dimensions of product quality dimension and quality in use dimension.

ISO 25010 parameter is one of the standards that can be used to measure software quality and is the latest standard in 2011.

There are many parameters to measure the software quality. There are some examples of automatic text summarization application based on web, it does not guarantee that every application has the same quality one and other. Automatic text summarization is one of the solutions to help users to find the core of electronic text documents in a short description or summary. The large number of electronic text documents, makes too much information that required to be accessed quickly and does not take much time in retrieving the core of the text document.